Monday, 28 July 2008

La bella Italia...


Check this one out...


I think latin countries behave similarly!

English Summer...

Finalmente chegou o Verao a Inglaterra!

Coisa pouca, podem voces dizer, 7 dias com temperaturas superiores a 25'C e como quem nao mata porco em Portugal... Mas para aqui, e um LUXO!!! E dos grandes!

So existe um probleminha no meio desta historia... Ja nao estou habituada ao calor! Ando a suar as estopinhas!

Tongue Twisters by Muffi

Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss swatch watch switches.

Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss swatch watch switch?

Take that! I can't say it....

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Tongue Twisters for Vets

Wunwun was a racehorse, Tutu was one too. Wunwun won one race, Tutu won one too.


Murphy's Law 1

The odds of the bread falling butter-side down are directly proportional to the value of the carpet...

Fact of life 1

In a supermarket, the other queues always move faster than yours.

Day 1, Conspiracy Theory 1

A friend of mine told me I had a really interesting mind and that it would be even better if I would share it with the world. The result is this blog...
Now I didn't really ask him what he meant by 'interesting', maybe that would have been a good idea...
Anyway, my first Conspiracy Theory is that this blog will probably not last for long... Lack of readers will provide absence of inspiration and therefore no entries. We shall see and I'll be back!