Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Day 1, Conspiracy Theory 1

A friend of mine told me I had a really interesting mind and that it would be even better if I would share it with the world. The result is this blog...
Now I didn't really ask him what he meant by 'interesting', maybe that would have been a good idea...
Anyway, my first Conspiracy Theory is that this blog will probably not last for long... Lack of readers will provide absence of inspiration and therefore no entries. We shall see and I'll be back!


B!ToK said...

Eheh, Hi cara Caraina!

Não sei quem disse que a tua mente dava um Blog, mas eu concordo com essa pessoa :)

Eu cá estarei para ir observando este "Steaming Pot".

Muito Beijinhos,

Diogo :)

Muffi said...

Estava em falta, sorry :)

Vais ver que não custa nada. Afinal és uma moça de mente interessante e não te vão faltar motivos para "postar"...


Mike said...

Keep it up...!

Dá trabalho, mas é muito fixe... ter um blog (ou 2, ou 3... LOL)
