Halli hallo hello to everyone who usually comes to pick on this blog!
Yes, I'm still alive (barely) therefore not so much kicking...
The workload has increased dramatically since the last post and that reflects in a direct correlation with the entries in this little diary...!
Yes, we're talking weekend work and 60h weeks!!! And then people ask me why I'm not happy it's Xmas??? To start with, it happens every year... Just to remind me it's time to start rearranging my mind that each time I write the date I'll probably get it wrong for the first two months... It's time to smile (until the 19 muscles we use for smiling ache!) and sing Xmas carols (with a rubbish voice provided by the pleasant cold that has been my companion for the past 2 weeks). It's time to spend some money in absolutely futile presents (hurray, never mind the economic recession, the world crisis, the millions of people starving and the mortgage to pay!) and hit the supermarket to spoil the diet... It's time to spend endless hours in front of the oven, getting even more tired just thinking of it and time to scrape ice of my windscreen every morning... Yeah, I'm soooooo happy!
Well, OK, maybe I'm acting a bit like Scrooge but wouldn't you if the runway to Xmas was your busiest time of the year? I mean, seriously, working weekends? I must be out of my mind!
Anyhow, I'm actually quite happy... No, I mean it! Can you please stop laughing?? NOW!!??
My family is coming for Xmas and it'll definitely be a joyful time of the year. It'll be the first time this year the 4 of us are reunited under one roof, so that'll make it cosy! And by the way this is going, we might even have a white Xmas! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll hate my electricity bill, but hey, such is life!
And yes, I've put my tree up!
And some decorations!
And the Holy family!
And I'm looking forward to putting 2 kg around my waist!
All in all, I just got one thing to say...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!